Tomasi Intermediate Flute - 7 Series - open hole - .925 lip-plate & riser
Knilling Sebastian Cello 3/4
Knilling Sebastian Cello 4/4
Yamaha SCK-350 Total Percussion Kit - Rent to Own
$769.95 $840.00
Yamaha Trumpet - Premium Student Series - Silver with TRC-201EII case and 11B4 mouthpiece
Yamaha Trumpet - Student Series - Silver with TRC-200AD case and 11B4 mouthpiece
Yamaha YFL-262 standard flute - French model - silver-plated with offset G - pointed key arms and ring keys
Yamaha YFL-282 standard flute - French model - silver-plated with pointed key arms and ring keys
Yamaha YFL-222 standard flute - plateau model - with covered keys and offset G
Yamaha Trombone - Student Series includes SLC-200AD case and 48 mouthpiece
Yamaha Trumpet - Student Series with TRC-200AD case and 11B4 mouthpiece
Yamaha Alto Saxophone - Student Series
Yamaha Clarinet - Student Series - matte finish ABS resin body
Yamaha Flute - Student Series - plateau model - with covered keys and offset G
Knilling Bucharest Violin - 3/4 size - Model 4TF-1 Outfit
Knilling Bucharest Violin - 4/4 size - Model 4KF-1 Outfit
Blessing BTB1287C Bb Trombone, .500 Bore, Clear Lacquer, Outfit
Blessing BBH-1287 Baritone Horn - 3-Valve - Small Bore - Clear Lacquer - Outfit
Blessing BTS-1287 Bb Tenor Saxophone - Gold Lacquer - Outfit
Blessing BAS-1287 Eb Alto Saxophone - Gold Lacquer - Outfit
Blessing BFL-1287 Flute - C foot - Closed hole - Silver-plate - Outfit
Blessing BPC-1287 Piccolo
Blessing BCL-1287 Bb Clarinet - ABS - Nickel Keys - Outfit
Blessing BTR-1287S Bb Trumpet - Silver Plated Finish
Blessing BTR-1287 Bb Trumpet with Hardshell Case
Mapex MPK32PC Backpack Percussion Kit - with Roller Bag
Mapex MSK14DC Backpack Snare Drum Kit with Roller Bag
Knilling School Model Cello 1/4 size - P112C42 outfit
Knilling School Model Viola 12 inch - 112VA2 outfit with Perfection Pegs
Knilling School Model Viola 13 inch - 112VA3 outfit with Perfection Pegs