Matrix MR800 Metronome Deluxe Quartz
Matrix MR800 Metronome
- Tempo Range 40-208 beats per minute.
- Light & or click- clave - wood block tone.
- Accented beats on 0,2,3,4,5 & 6. A chime accents downbeat, with no accenting when set to 0.
- Eight color LED's move across the metronome with the beat simulating a pendulum metronome -when in the accenting mode the first light will flash green -- all others are red.
- Variable A4 tone (A440 tuning).
- Earphone is included.
- Flip out metal stand.
- Uses a 9 volt battery - not included.
The Matrix MR800 metronome has a very loud clave tone. The MR800 will accent beats or will give a straight click. This model does not have a volume control ... choose the Matrix Mr600 for the identical model with volume control.